HMRC and Document Management – What Sage users need to know?

Sage Developer for Document Management Area - PaperLess OCR with Document Approval for Sage 50 Accounts and Sage 200 Business SuiteUnlike what many Finance Professionals think, HMRC does not specify any rules on how you must keep records. You can keep them on paper, digitally or as part of a software program (like bookkeeping software).

In fact, HMRC can charge you a penalty if your records are not accurate, complete and readable so make sure you store your documents in a digital format and well organized making sure that you can have easy access to them. Click here to check what HMRC says about keeping digital records

Sage 50 Accounts and Sage 200 Business Suite users can keep all their documents properly stored and organized with the Sage Developer solution, PaperLess software, a powerful document management solution with build-in OCR that integrates seamlessly with both Sage 50 Accounts, Sage 200 Business Suite and Sage 200 Extra Online allowing accountants and finance professionals to easily manage all accounting and non-accounting documents having them directly linked to transactions in Sage.

Book your Free Online Demo - PaperLess Document Management for Sage with OCR and Document Approval to Process Invoices

Besides being a Sage Developer, PaperLess is also listed on HRMC Record Keeping Software Providers List, which presents to users a number of software suppliers that have produced simple record keeping applications to help accounting professionals manage their documents and, in the case of PaperLess software, to have those documents directly linked to transactions in Sage 50 Accounts, Sage 200 Business Suite and Sage 200 Extra Online.

Doc Management Software for Sage 50 with built-in OCR system for invoice processing.

Book your Free Online Demo - PaperLess Document Management for Sage with OCR and Document Approval to Process Invoices

What our clients say about PaperLess

“The use of PaperLess has helped tremendously… We can now see when the document was received, added to the system and the workflow allows the authorisation to be controlled…”

Gary Robinson, Real Group’s Director

 “ £10,000 every year with staff as well as to save employees time spent on processing invoices”

Colin Mayrs, Blair’s Caravans Managing Director

“…the time spent prior to installing PaperLess on processing invoices was lengthy with manually inputting the supplier, description, nominal code and values for each invoice. Invoice recognition does all this for you at a click of a button.”

Kurt Roberts, ACCA MAAT Management Accountant for CPL Training Group Limited

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Phone Number: +44 (0) 207 135 2007

HMRC & Digital Record Keeping – All you need to know…

Sage Developer for Document Management Area - PaperLess OCR with Document Approval for Sage 50 Accounts and Sage 200 Business SuiteHMRC does not specify any rules on how you must keep records. You can keep them on paper, digitally or as part of a software program (like book-keeping software). In fact HMRC can charge you a penalty if your records are not accurate, complete and readable so make sure you store your documents in a digital format and well organized making sure that you can have easy access to them.

Visit PaperLess Website to Know More 
Check here what HMRC has to say about Digital Record Keeping 

PaperLess software is a powerful document management solution that integrates seamless with Sage allowing accountants and finance professionals to easily manage all accounting and non-accounting documents.

Book your Free Online Demo - PaperLess Document Management for Sage with OCR and Document Approval to Process Invoices

Besides being a Sage Developer PaperLess is also listed  in HRMC Record Keeping Software Providers List, which presents to users a number of software suppliers that have produced simple record keeping applications to help accounting professionals manage their documents and, in the case of PaperLess software, to have those documents directly linked to transactions in Sage 50 Accounts, Sage 200 Business Suite and Sage 200 Extra Online.

Just follow the link to know more about PaperLess Document Management for Sage 

PaperLess Document Management for Sage

Book your Free Online Demo - PaperLess Document Management for Sage with OCR and Document Approval to Process Invoices

What our clients say about PaperLess

“The use of PaperLess has helped tremendously… We can now see when the document was received, added to the system and the workflow allows the authorisation to be controlled…”

Gary Robinson, Real Group’s Director

 “ £10,000 every year with staff as well as to save employees time spent on processing invoices”

Colin Mayrs, Blair’s Caravans Managing Director

“…the time spent prior to installing PaperLess on processing invoices was lengthy with manually inputting the supplier, description, nominal code and values for each invoice. Invoice recognition does all this for you at a click of a button.”

Kurt Roberts, ACCA MAAT Management Accountant for CPL Training Group Limited

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Phone Number: +44 (0) 207 135 2007

Document Management with OCR Technology now available for Sage – How does it work?

Sage Developer for Document Management Area - PaperLess OCR with Document Approval for Sage 50 Accounts and Sage 200 Business SuiteOCR stands for Optical Character Recognition, a powerful technology adopted by an increasing number of companies, especially the ones dealing with large number of documents, to reduce time spent on manual data input. However there are challenges when choosing the best software, since one thing is to get the data from the documents another thing is to know what to do with that data.

That is precisely why Sage Developer – PaperLess Europe – developed a document management software that also integrates a powerful OCR engine for Sage, enabling businesses to convert PDF to OCR and afterwards automatically post all this data directly into Sage 50 Accounts, Sage 200 Business Suite or Sage 200 Extra Online. This way you not only automatically capture the data from the documents but you also have a software that knows what to do with that data, being that this is something that only a solution seamlessly integrated with Sage could offer to Sage users.

Take a look at this 30 seconds video to find out more or Click here to visit PaperLess Europe website

Book your Free Online Demo - PaperLess Document Management for Sage with OCR and Document Approval to Process Invoices

PaperLess uses two layers of sophisticated OCR (Optical Character Recognition) technology to extract information from your invoices directly into PaperLess workspace. PaperLess also supports XML invoices. PaperLess can run invoice recognition on multiple invoices at the same time. Configuration to handle many different invoice formats is easy to manage. Automatic Invoice Recognition saves time and reduces manual data entry so that your office clerks can work more efficiently.

PaperLess Document Management for Sage with built-in OCR software to speed-up invoice processing

Converting PDF to OCR is crucial in the document workflow process because businesses have been relying heavily on the paper document management. With PaperLess, automated invoice processing is simple and smart.

First of all, use Add Document function in PaperLess to drag and drop your PDF documents from emails or computer into the PaperLess workspace. Alternatively, print the document into PaperLess by choosing PaperLess Printer in the option area. Once PDF documents are added, convert PDF to OCR by using PaperLess Automatic Invoice Recognition which takes only few seconds to recognise the relevant data from your invoices.

Converting PDF to OCR is quick and easy at the start of the workflow process. PaperLess integrates with Sage 50 Accounts, Sage 200 Business Suite and Sage 200 Extra Online and many more accounting applications because synchronisation happens instantly at background.

After documents are converted from PDF to OCR, PaperLess invoice recognition for Sage and other accounting applications allows businesses to post transactions directly to your existing accounting application. All transaction types can be prepared and then posted from PaperLess saving time and increasing efficiency. Documents are available to view in the Accounting Archive instantly without any waiting because PaperLess integrates with many accounting applications such as Sage 50 Accounts, Sage 200 Business Suite, Sage 200 Extra Online, Pastel, Microsoft Dynamics NAV, and Mamut.

Additionally, all PaperLess functionality is available in Remote Access. Paperless Remote Access is a convenient function that enables businesses to have access to documents anywhere and anytime. The secure Remote Access via the Internet looks and feels the same as PaperLess workstation. Bandwidth requirement is low as documents are only viewed when needed.

Book your Free Online Demo - PaperLess Document Management for Sage with OCR and Document Approval to Process Invoices

What our clients say about PaperLess

“The use of PaperLess has helped tremendously… We can now see when the document was received, added to the system and the workflow allows the authorisation to be controlled…”

Gary Robinson, Real Group’s Director

 “ £10,000 every year with staff as well as to save employees time spent on processing invoices”

Colin Mayrs, Blair’s Caravans Managing Director

“…the time spent prior to installing PaperLess on processing invoices was lengthy with manually inputting the supplier, description, nominal code and values for each invoice. Invoice recognition does all this for you at a click of a button.”

Kurt Roberts, ACCA MAAT Management Accountant for CPL Training Group Limited

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Phone Number: +44 (0) 207 135 2007

The Best 7 Ways to Handle Your Documents in Sage

Sage Developer for Document Management Area - PaperLess OCR with Document Approval for Sage 50 Accounts and Sage 200 Business SuiteDo you already have software that manages the output of documents, and now you need software to manage incoming documents?

Some software applications help you handle outgoing documents and even document filing for these outgoing documents too. But when you are still receiving loads of paperwork every day sent from suppliers, authorities and customers, you need software to ensure you can avoid drowning under extra paperwork.

In this white paper you can find 7 new ways to handle your incoming documents and what a good document management system can do for your business:

  • Increase Productivity Levels and Revenue Margins
  • Increase efficiency levels with system automation
  • Reduce operational costs across the entire company
  • Communicate live and exchange information with clients
  • Gain competitive advantages and differentiation factors
PaperLess Document Management for Sage Free Online Demo. Document Management with OCR Software and Invoice Approval for Invoice Processing Automation.

PaperLess Document Management for Sage focuses on managing your incoming documents which means managing your entire workflow process in the organisation from adding documents to processing data, from approving documents to saving all types of transactions in the accounting or non-accounting archive.

So here are 7 new ways you can now improve in your day-to-day operations and how PaperLess can make your business more efficient:

Book your Free Online Demo - PaperLess Document Management for Sage with OCR and Document Approval to Process Invoices

1.    Adding incoming documents to PaperLess

  • Adding any type of incoming paper or electronic document in multiple file formats including office documents or any scanned image
  • Comprehensive user rights control so that certain users have restricted access to certain documents or folders
  • Multi-user, multi-company functionality so that certain company documents are restricted for certain users
  • PaperLess users do not have to be users in your accounting application

2.    Managing incoming paperwork

  • Never lose any time working out where your documents are in the business process
  • Locate any document quickly and easily
  • View all your documents in the PaperLess workspace, different views mean you can always see where your paperwork is within a business process
  • Create accounting transactions directly from the source document images and post the transactions directly into your accounting application
  • View the document in PaperLess from within your accounting application

3.    Automatic Invoice Recognition

  • PaperLess reads the document image and extracts accounting data ready for posting directly into your accounting application
  • Two layers of invoice recognition technology means high flexibility so that manual data entry is reduced

4.    Workflow Approvals

  • Any document, accounting or non-accounting related, can have one or more recipients attached to it for approvals
  • Full audit trail for each documents approval process

5.    Secure Remote Access

  • Remote Access application (9MB file) can be run anywhere via the Internet and has all PaperLess functionality available

6.    Other Document Archive

  • For non-accounting documents such quotations, HR documents, policies and procedures there is no need for any other external database or application
  • Any business document can be archived with its own meta-data so that it can be located within the PaperLess search functions

7.    Reporting

  • Extensive reporting options with output to Excel that enable reporting on documents posted in the accounting, outstanding in workflows and stored in non-accounting documents archive.

The PaperLess Benefits

Save Money

  • Increase efficiency in your business process by saving time and reducing errors. Reduce business costs for processing, printing, copier and storage.

Increase Profits

  • Communicate more effectively within the organisation by centralising document management, using workflows to manage business processes, approving documents during the process and reducing environmental impact of business.

Reduce Risk

  • Protect data within your business, archive all documentation securely, manage a complete audit trial of processes and locate information quickly.
Book your Free Online Demo - PaperLess Document Management for Sage with OCR and Document Approval to Process Invoices

What our clients say about PaperLess

“The use of PaperLess has helped tremendously… We can now see when the document was received, added to the system and the workflow allows the authorisation to be controlled…”

Gary Robinson, Real Group’s Director

 “ £10,000 every year with staff as well as to save employees time spent on processing invoices”

Colin Mayrs, Blair’s Caravans Managing Director

“…the time spent prior to installing PaperLess on processing invoices was lengthy with manually inputting the supplier, description, nominal code and values for each invoice. Invoice recognition does all this for you at a click of a button.”

Kurt Roberts, ACCA MAAT Management Accountant for CPL Training Group Limited

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Phone Number: +44 (0) 207 135 2007

Invoice Processing Automation for Emailed Invoices! How can I have that?

Sage Developer for Document Management Area - PaperLess OCR with Document Approval for Sage 50 Accounts and Sage 200 Business SuiteImagine if the invoices received from your suppliers or clients could be automatically processes and posted to the accounting software. Having doubts about this being possible???

Then contact us and we will show it how it is done. Book Your Free Online Demo of PaperLess Company Inbox. 

PaperLess Company Inbox is the ultimate step towards Full Document Management Automation. Seamless integrated with Sage 50 Accounts, Sage 200 Business Suite and Sage 200 Extra Online Company Inbox allows you to fully automate your invoice processing routines.

Invoice Processing Automation for Sage with PaperLess Document Management for Sage

PaperLess Company Inbox is a state of the art technology that is changing the way documents are processed by setting automation rules that are applied as soon as documents are received in your Company Inbox email. This is true Invoice Processing Automation, with emailed invoices processed and posted to Sage with closing of corresponding purchase orders in a fully automatic process, with no need for any Human Intervention on Invoice Processing Routines.

So, what do you get with Company Inbox?

  • Access to a powerful PaperLess module that allows you to automate your entire document management process from the moment documents are sent from your suppliers or clients until they enter the document flow or are directly posted into your accounting software.
  • Capability of automatically processing several type of documents, including XML Invoices guaranteeing even higher success rates in Automatic Invoice Recognition.
  • Apply the automation rules that better suit your needs, PaperLess Company Inbox has a set of automation rules that go from basic until the most advanced ones like for example the posting of documents to your accounting software without the need for any human intervention.
  • Significant competitive advantages by relying on cutting edge technology that allows you to save time, money and reallocate resources to the tasks that generate the highest ROI to your company through Full Document Management Automation.
PaperLess Company Inbox, Full Document Management automation for Sage with automation of all emailed invoices

Book your Free Online Demo - PaperLess Document Management for Sage with OCR and Document Approval to Process Invoices

What our clients say about PaperLess

“The use of PaperLess has helped tremendously… We can now see when the document was received, added to the system and the workflow allows the authorisation to be controlled…”

Gary Robinson, Real Group’s Director

 “ £10,000 every year with staff as well as to save employees time spent on processing invoices”

Colin Mayrs, Blair’s Caravans Managing Director

“…the time spent prior to installing PaperLess on processing invoices was lengthy with manually inputting the supplier, description, nominal code and values for each invoice. Invoice recognition does all this for you at a click of a button.”

Kurt Roberts, ACCA MAAT Management Accountant for CPL Training Group Limited

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Phone Number: +44 (0) 207 135 2007

How are CFO’s managing documents directly from within Sage?

Sage Developer for Document Management Area - PaperLess OCR with Document Approval for Sage 50 Accounts and Sage 200 Business SuiteIn this video you can get to know the main challenges CFO’s, Accountants, Bookkeepers and many other finance professionals face when trying to manage their documents in Sage and how PaperLess Document Management software for Sage is helping them doing this in a simple, smart and secure way.

Take 3 minutes and know more about PaperLess Invoice Processing Software software for Sage 50 Accounts, Sage 200 Business Suite and Sage 200 Extra Online, a powerful solution that uses automatic invoice recognition, data input and document matching together with electronic document flow and online document exchange and approval to improve the efficiency of accounting systems.

Book your Free Online Demo - PaperLess Document Management for Sage with OCR and Document Approval to Process Invoices

Learn more about the most powerful and seamlessly integrated document management solution for Sage 50 Accounts, Sage 200 Business Suite and Sage 200 Extra Online. See also how to fully automate your invoice processing routines with PaperLess Company Inbox a new and powerful  cutting edge software solution that allows you to fully automate your Document Management Processes from the moment suppliers or clients send you invoices by email until they are posted into Sage.

PaperLess Company Inbox Scheme, Full Document Management Automation for Emailed Invoices

Find out more about PaperLess Document Management for Sage 50 and Sage 200

PaperLess Europe is a Sage Developer offering the best document management solutions for your Sage accounting package. The seamless integration with Sage 50 Accounts, Sage 200 Business Suite and Sage 200 Extra Online is giving Finance Directors, CFO’s, Accountants and Bookkeepers easy access to full document management automation.

Book your Free Online Demo - PaperLess Document Management for Sage with OCR and Document Approval to Process Invoices

What our clients say about PaperLess

“The use of PaperLess has helped tremendously… We can now see when the document was received, added to the system and the workflow allows the authorisation to be controlled…”

Gary Robinson, Real Group’s Director

 “ £10,000 every year with staff as well as to save employees time spent on processing invoices”

Colin Mayrs, Blair’s Caravans Managing Director

“…the time spent prior to installing PaperLess on processing invoices was lengthy with manually inputting the supplier, description, nominal code and values for each invoice. Invoice recognition does all this for you at a click of a button.”

Kurt Roberts, ACCA MAAT Management Accountant for CPL Training Group Limited

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Phone Number: +44 (0) 207 135 2007

Sage Catalog – What’s the best Document Management Software for your Sage package?

Sage Developer for Document Management Area - PaperLess OCR with Document Approval for Sage 50 Accounts and Sage 200 Business SuiteSage Additions catalogue gives you access to a diverse range of solutions which have been designed by members of the Sage Developers’ Programme. Check out Sage Additions catalogue and see how PaperLess powerful document management features integrate seamlessly with Sage, allowing you to have all your documents directly linked to your transactions in Sage so that you can easily manage and find all your documents.

Sage Additions catalogue - PaperLess powerful document management seamless integrated with Sage, with OCR, Document Flow

What’s PaperLess Document Management for Sage?

PaperLess software is a powerful solution that uses automatic invoice recognition, data input and document matching together with electronic document flow and online document exchange and approval to improve the efficiency of your Sage 50 Accounts, Sage 200 Business Suite and Sage 200 Extra Online, allowing you to have all your documents directly linked to the corresponding transactions in Sage. For more information about PaperLess software simply book a free online demo

Book your Free Online Demo - PaperLess Document Management for Sage with OCR and Document Approval to Process Invoices

With PaperLess Document Management Software for Sage 50 Accounts, Sage 200 Business Suite and Sage 200 Extra Online, documents remain secure within your organisation, invoices requiring approval are distributed in a process that is set by you and document lookups can be done straight from Sage allowing you to quickly find exactly what you are looking for.

With PaperLess Automatic Invoice Recognition you save time reducing the manual entry of accounting data and the non-accounting document archive means that you and your colleagues can collaborate on documents, archive documentation and easily retrieve documents when you need them, using the comprehensive search features available. All documents are secured by user access rights at folder and document level.

Click here to find out more about PaperLess Document Management for Sage

Book your Free Online Demo - PaperLess Document Management for Sage with OCR and Document Approval to Process Invoices

What our clients say about PaperLess

“The use of PaperLess has helped tremendously… We can now see when the document was received, added to the system and the workflow allows the authorisation to be controlled…”

Gary Robinson, Real Group’s Director

 “ £10,000 every year with staff as well as to save employees time spent on processing invoices”

Colin Mayrs, Blair’s Caravans Managing Director

“…the time spent prior to installing PaperLess on processing invoices was lengthy with manually inputting the supplier, description, nominal code and values for each invoice. Invoice recognition does all this for you at a click of a button.”

Kurt Roberts, ACCA MAAT Management Accountant for CPL Training Group Limited

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Phone Number: +44 (0) 207 135 2007

How to get Full Invoice Processing Automation for your Sage software?

Sage Developer for Document Management Area - PaperLess OCR with Document Approval for Sage 50 Accounts and Sage 200 Business SuiteImagine having a software that allows you to fully automate your document management processes from the moment suppliers send you invoices by email until they are posted into Sage. That is PaperLess Company Inbox, a powerful solution that will change the way documents are processed by setting automation rules that are applied as soon as documents are received in your Company Inbox email.

Book your Free Online Demo - PaperLess Document Management for Sage with OCR and Document Approval to Process Invoices

This is an exclusive development of Sage DeveloperPaperLess Europe, that represents the state of the art technology for Invoice Processing Automation, with emailed invoices processed and posted to Sage with closing of corresponding purchase orders in a fully automatic process, with no need for any Human Intervention on Invoice Processing Routines.

PaperLess Company Inbox Scheme, Full Document Management Automation for Emailed Invoices

Find out more about PaperLess Document Management for Sage 50 and Sage 200

  • Advanced set of automation rules that make possible for Invoices to be received, processed and posted into Sage in a complete automatic process, saving you even more time, money and resources than what you are already experiencing with PaperLess.
  • Remove the hassle of having to go through emails to see what documents to process, with Company Inbox everything is in one place so that automation rules can be easily set.
  • Documents can be received, have their data extracted and send for approval on a complete automatic process that makes processes simpler, faster and even more accurate than before.
  • Security tools that guarantee the accuracy of the information processed and that you keep control at all times over the documents being processed, their status and if any type of intervention is required.
Book your Free Online Demo - PaperLess Document Management for Sage with OCR and Document Approval to Process Invoices

What our clients say about PaperLess

“The use of PaperLess has helped tremendously… We can now see when the document was received, added to the system and the workflow allows the authorisation to be controlled…”

Gary Robinson, Real Group’s Director

 “ £10,000 every year with staff as well as to save employees time spent on processing invoices”

Colin Mayrs, Blair’s Caravans Managing Director

“…the time spent prior to installing PaperLess on processing invoices was lengthy with manually inputting the supplier, description, nominal code and values for each invoice. Invoice recognition does all this for you at a click of a button.”

Kurt Roberts, ACCA MAAT Management Accountant for CPL Training Group Limited

Contact Us


Phone Number: +44 (0) 207 135 2007

Document Management with built-in Invoice Approval for my Sage. How does that work?

Sage Developer for Document Management Area - PaperLess OCR with Document Approval for Sage 50 Accounts and Sage 200 Business SuiteSage users are now approving invoices and having the document approval audit trail directly linked to their transactions in Sage by using PaperLess Document Management for Sage. Being a Sage Developer, PaperLess Document Approval features ensure that any document that requires approval can be tracked through the approval process, not only Invoices but all types of business documentation including for instance HR Documents, Orders, Quotations, Correspondence or Complaints.

By using PaperLess Document Approval you end up with an audit trail of the complete Approval Process all this directly linked to Sage 50 Accounts, Sage 200 Business Suite and Sage 200 Extra Online so that you can have all information at the distance of a click of a mouse button.

Book your Free Online Demo - PaperLess Document Management for Sage with OCR and Document Approval to Process Invoices

The seamless integration between PaperLess and Sage allows you to have all your documents directly linked to the transactions you have in Sage as well as the complete audit trail of the approval process also in Sage. This means that by a simple look up of the document directly from Sage you have access to all information related to it: who approved what, in which dates, the changes made and who made them.

Doc Management Software for Sage 50 with built-in OCR system for invoice processing.

Book your Free Online Demo - PaperLess Document Management for Sage with OCR and Document Approval to Process Invoices

What our clients say about PaperLess

“The use of PaperLess has helped tremendously… We can now see when the document was received, added to the system and the workflow allows the authorisation to be controlled…”

Gary Robinson, Real Group’s Director

 “ £10,000 every year with staff as well as to save employees time spent on processing invoices”

Colin Mayrs, Blair’s Caravans Managing Director

“…the time spent prior to installing PaperLess on processing invoices was lengthy with manually inputting the supplier, description, nominal code and values for each invoice. Invoice recognition does all this for you at a click of a button.”

Kurt Roberts, ACCA MAAT Management Accountant for CPL Training Group Limited

Contact Us


Phone Number: +44 (0) 207 135 2007

How are CFO’s boosting Sage’s efficiency?

Sage Developer for Document Management Area - PaperLess OCR with Document Approval for Sage 50 Accounts and Sage 200 Business SuiteFinance Directors, CFO’s, Accountants, Bookkeepers and Company owners are just a few among the thousands of Sage users that are constantly looking for ways to improve the efficiency of their Sage accounting package. For them the answer has been PaperLess Document Management for Sage,which improves your bookkeeping experience by effectively reducing manual data entry work and posting all types of transaction directly into Sage from the PaperLess workspace.

Take a look at the video to find out how PaperLess works with Sage

Book your Free Online Demo - PaperLess Document Management for Sage with OCR and Document Approval to Process Invoices

PaperLess integrates seamlessly with Sage 50 Accounts, Sage 200 Business Suite and Sage 200 Extra Online offering Automatic Invoice Recognition, Online Invoice Approval and look-up of documents directly from within Sage.

CFO’s, Bookkeepers and many other finance professionals using PaperLess Document Management for Sage 50 Accounts, Sage 200 Business Suite and Sage 200 Extra Online are also experiencing Full Automation of Email Invoices with PaperLess Company Inbox. a cutting-edge software solution that allows you to fully automate your Document Management Processes from the moment suppliers or clients send you invoices by email until they are posted into Sage.

PaperLess Company Inbox, Full Document Management automation for Sage with automation of all emailed invoices

Company Inbox is a powerful system that enables Sage 50 Accounts, Sage 200 Business Suite and Sage 200 Extra Online users to automatically process all documents received by email by setting automation rules that are applied as soon as documents are received in Company Inbox email, turning document management into a fully automatic, faster and more reliable process.

Book your Free Online Demo - PaperLess Document Management for Sage with OCR and Document Approval to Process Invoices

What our clients say about PaperLess

“The use of PaperLess has helped tremendously… We can now see when the document was received, added to the system and the workflow allows the authorisation to be controlled…”

Gary Robinson, Real Group’s Director

 “ £10,000 every year with staff as well as to save employees time spent on processing invoices”

Colin Mayrs, Blair’s Caravans Managing Director

“…the time spent prior to installing PaperLess on processing invoices was lengthy with manually inputting the supplier, description, nominal code and values for each invoice. Invoice recognition does all this for you at a click of a button.”

Kurt Roberts, ACCA MAAT Management Accountant for CPL Training Group Limited

Contact Us


Phone Number: +44 (0) 207 135 2007