Automating Invoice Processing with OCR Technology – The new trend across Finance Departments

Book your Free Online Demo of PaperLess Document Management for SageSpeeding-up invoice processing times, reducing costs and increasing productivity while at the same time increasing data accuracy levels are among some of the challenges Finance Professionals face on a daily basis. In order to give answer to these challenges the new trend is to go for document management software that offer OCR technology and are integrated with the accounting software those professionals are using.

PaperLess invoice scanning software uses Automatic Invoice Recognition to extract the relevant data from your invoices, so businesses can reduce manual data entry and increase organisation’s efficiency.

Click here to find out more about PaperLess Document Management for Sage with a powerful OCR software build-in as well as a document approval module.

Paperless OCR and Document Management Automation with Document Approval for Sage 50 Accounts and Sage 200 Business Suite

With PaperLess invoice scanning software, businesses are able to digitise their paper invoices in the beginning of a workflow process by scanning them into PaperLess workspace. PaperLess allows businesses to drag and drop documents from emails and computers. Businesses can also print electronic invoices to PaperLess using the PaperLess Printer option. Once invoices are sent to the PaperLess workspace, businesses can run automatic invoice recognition and edit voucher information without leaving the accounting lines in PaperLess.

PaperLess invoice scanning software integrates seamlessly with Sage 50 Accounts and Sage 200 Business Suite, so businesses can post accounting transactions directly from PaperLess into Sage using the PaperLess invoice recognition for Sage. They can also view the transactions with the relevant documents in Paperless at a later stage.

Book your Free Online Demo - PaperLess Document Management for Sage with OCR and Document Approval to Process Invoices

PaperLess invoice scanning software uses two layers of sophisticated OCR (Optical Character Recognition) technology to extract the relevant information on your invoices. PaperLess supports XML invoices and can handle multiple suppliers with multiple document formats.

Automatic invoice scanning software saves time and reduces manual errors. PaperLess even checks for duplicate transactions when running invoice recognition.

PaperLess invoice scanning software is designed for easy usability. This means that your accounting department can utilise less skilled members of the team, controlling what these members can do by defining their roles within the user access rights. Higher skilled staff can then spend their valuable time checking the preparation of the accounting vouchers, before posting directly into your accounting application.

PaperLess Remote Access is a convenient feature that enables businesses to run automatic invoice recognition wherever and whenever they are, so colleagues can still collaborate efficiently while they are out of office. PaperLess invoice scanning software provides better workflow management for your organisation.

Book your Free Online Demo - PaperLess Document Management for Sage with OCR and Document Approval to Process Invoices

What our clients say about PaperLess

“Compared to any competitor PaperLess is just more value for money.”

Scott Gibson Eventura’s Consultancy Director

 “ £10,000 every year with staff as well as to save employees time spent on processing invoices”

Colin Mayrs, Blair’s Caravans Managing Director

“…the time spent prior to installing PaperLess on processing invoices was lengthy with manually inputting the supplier, description, nominal code and values for each invoice. Invoice recognition does all this for you at a click of a button.”

Kurt Roberts, ACCA MAAT Management Accountant for CPL Training Group Limited

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